  España (SINGLES)

Recojo aqui los puestos alcanzados en la listas de ventas en nuestro pais en el apartado singles
de los trabajos de Dieter Bohlen, Thomas Anders y C.C.Catch. A partir de 2004 ya no han vuelto a estar ninguno de ellos en las listas de exitos espanolas.



11 mayo 1985

21 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul (Entrada)

18 mayo 1985

14 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

25 mayo 1985

5 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

01 junio 1985

4 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

08 junio 1985

5 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

15 junio 1985

7 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

22 junio 1985

5 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

29 junio 1985

5 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

06 julio 1985

5 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

13 julio 1985

6 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

24 Modern talking / You can win if you want (Entrada)

20 julio 1985

7 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

16 Modern talking / You can win if you want

27 julio 1985

9 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

11 Modern talking / You can win if you want

03 agosto 1985

7 Modern talking / You can win if you want

9 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

10 agosto 1985

6 Modern talking / You can win if you want

12 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

17 agosto 1985

4 Modern talking / You can win if you want

12 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

24 agosto 1985  

3 Modern talking / You can win if you want

14 Modern talking / You're my heart, you're my soul

07 septiembre 1985

3 Modern talking / You can win if you want

14 septiembre 1985

3 Modern talking / You can win if you want

21 septiembre 1985

2 Modern talking / You can win if you want

28 septiembre 1985

3 Modern talking / You can win if you want

05 octubre 1985

2 Modern talking / You can win if you want

12 octubre 1985

4 Modern talking / You can win if you want

19 octubre 1985

6 Modern talking / You can win if you want

26 octubre 1985  

6 Modern talking / You can win if you want

02 noviembre 1985

6 Modern talking / You can win if you want

09 noviembre 1985

25 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady (Entrada)

7 Modern talking / You can win if you want

16 noviembre 1985

11 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

7 Modern talking / You can win if you want

23 noviembre 1985

8 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

11 Modern talking / You can win if you want

07 diciembre 1985

4 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

20  Modern talking / You can win if you want

14 diciembre 1985

4 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

24 Modern talking / You can win if you want

21 diciembre 1985

6 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

23 Modern talking / You can win if you want

28 diciembre 1985

4 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

30 Modern talking / You can win if you want


11 enero 1986

3 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

18 enero 1986

4 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

25 enero 1986

6 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

01 febrero 1986

4 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

08 febrero 1986

5 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

15 febrero 1986

11 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

22 febrero 1986

7 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

01 marzo 1986

7 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

08 marzo 1986

14 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

15 marzo 1986

13 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

22 marzo 1986

14 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

29 marzo 1986

12 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

05 abril 1986

25 Modern talking / Brother Louie (Entrada)

13 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

12 abril 1986

16 Modern talking / Brother Louie

15 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

19 abril 1986

6 Modern talking / Brother Louie

20 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

26 abril 1986

7 Modern talking / Brother Louie

25 Modern talking / Cheri, cheri lady

03 mayo 1986

6 Modern talking / Brother Louie

24 C.C. Catch / I can lose my heart tonight (Entrada)

10 mayo 1986

5 Modern talking / Brother Louie

13 C.C. Catch / I can lose my heart tonight

17 mayo 1986

6 Modern talking / Brother Louie

10 C.C. Catch / I can lose my heart tonight

24 mayo 1986

5 Modern talking / Brother Louie

7 C.C. Catch / I can lose my heart tonight

07 junio 1986

1 Modern talking / Brother Louie

28 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young (Entrada)

8 C.C. Catch / I can lose my heart tonight

14 junio 1986

1 Modern talking / Brother Louie

22 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young

11 C.C. Catch / I can lose my heart tonight

21 junio 1986

1 Modern talking / Brother Louie

15 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young

18 C.C. Catch / I can lose my heart tonight

28 junio 1986

1 Modern talking / Brother Louie

14 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young

22 C.C. Catch / I can lose my heart tonight

05 julio 1986

9 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young

12 julio 1986

9 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young

19 julio 1986

7 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young

26 julio 1986

6 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young

24 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling (Entrada)

09 agosto 1986

8 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

10 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young

16 agosto 1986

5 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

23 C.C. Catch / Strangers by night (Entrada)

13 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young

23 agosto 1986

8 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

16 C.C. Catch / Strangers by night

18 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young

30 agosto 1986

6 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

12 C.C. Catch / Strangers by night

23 C.C. Catch / Cause you are young

04 octubre 1986

3 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

10 C.C. Catch / Strangers by night

11 octubre 1986

2 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

16 C.C. Catch / Strangers by night

18 octubre 1986

2 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

20 C.C. Catch / Strangers by night

25 octubre 1986

3 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

18 C.C. Catch / Strangers by night

08 noviembre 1986

8 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

18 C.C. Catch / Strangers by night

15 noviembre 1986

25 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak hotel (Entrada)

7 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

16 C.C. Catch / Strangers by night

22 noviembre 1986

18 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak hotel

11 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

20 C.C. Catch / Strangers by night

29 noviembre 1986

10 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak hotel

13 Modern talking / Atlantis is calling

20 C.C. Catch / Strangers by night

26 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac (Entrada)

06 diciembre 1986

10 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

8 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak hotel

13 diciembre 1986

1 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

6 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak hotel

20 diciembre 1986

1 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

8 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak hotel

27 diciembre 1986

1 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

5 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak hotel


17 enero 1987

1 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

2 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak Hotel

24 enero 1987

1 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

4 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak Hotel

31 enero 1987

2 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

25 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell (Entrada)

5 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak Hotel

07 febrero 1987

2 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

9 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

10 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak Hotel

14 febrero 1987

2 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

7 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

12 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak Hotel

21 febrero 1987

3 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

6 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

14 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak Hotel

28 febrero 1987

3 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

4 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

17 C.C. Catch / Heartbreak Hotel

14 marzo 1987

8 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

9 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

22 Modern talking / Lonely tears in Chinatown (Entrada)

21 marzo 1987

8 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

9 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

29 Modern talking / Lonely tears in Chinatown

28 marzo 1987

8 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

14 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

17 Modern talking / Lonely tears in Chinatown

04 abril 1987

6 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

19 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

21 Modern talking / Lonely tears in Chinatown

11 abril 1987

22 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

13 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

18 abril 1987

22 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

20 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

25 abril 1987

27 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

23 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

02 mayo 1987

27 C.C. Catch / Heaven & hell

29 Modern talking / Geronimo's cadillac

04 julio 1987

11 Modern talking / Jet airliner (Entrada)

15 C.C.Catch / Are you man enough (Entrada)

11 julio 1987

6 Modern talking / Jet airliner

7 C.C.Catch / Are you man enough

18 julio 1987

9 Modern talking / Jet airliner

8 C.C.Catch / Are you man enough

25 julio 1987

7 Modern talking / Jet airliner

9 C.C. Catch / Are you man enough

01 agosto 1987

8 Modern talking / Jet airliner

13 C.C. Catch / Are you man enough

22 agosto 1987

12 C.C. Catch / Are you man enough

25 Modern talking / Jet airliner

29 agosto 1987

9 C.C. Catch / Are you man enough

20 Modern talking / Jet airliner

05 septiembre 1987

15 C.C. Catch / Are you man enough

11 Modern talking / Jet airliner

12 septiembre 1987

15 C.C. Catch / Are you man enough

16 Modern talking / Jet airliner

17 octubre 1987

26 Modern talking / Don't worry (Entrada)

24 octubre 1987

25 Modern talking / Don't worry

03 diciembre 1987

15 C.C.Catch Soul Survivor (Entrada)

10 diciembre 1987

2  C.C.Catch Soul Survivor

17 diciembre 1987

1 C.C. Catch Soul Survivor

12 Modern Talking In 100 Years... (Entrada)

24 diciembre 1987

3 C.C. Catch Soul Survivor

31 diciembre 1987

7 C.C. Catch Soul Survivor

4 Modern Talking In 100 Years...


07 enero 1988

13 Modern Talking In 100 Years...

14 enero 1988

12 C.C. Catch Soul Survivor

21 enero 1988

7 C.C. Catch Soul Survivor

15 Modern Talking In 100 Years...

28 enero 1988

4 C.C. Catch Soul Survivor

8 Modern Talking In 100 Years...

04 febrero 1988

7 C.C. Catch Soul Survivor

13 Modern Talking In 100 Years...

11 febrero 1988

11 C.C. Catch Soul Survivor

15 Modern Talking In 100 Years...

18 febrero 1988

5 C.C. Catch Soul Survivor

25 febrero 1988

15 Blue System Sorry little Sarah (Entrada)

17 marzo 1988

13 Blue System Sorry little Sarah

24 marzo 1988

7 C.C. Catch Good Guys only win in Movies (Entrada)

31 marzo 1988

9 C.C. Catch Good Guys only win in Movies

07 abril 1988

6 C.C. Catch Good Guys only win in Movies

14 abril 1988

9 Blue System Sorry little Sarah  

13 C.C. Catch Good Guys only win in Movies

28 abril 1988

6 Blue System Sorry little Sarah

05 mayo 1988

15 Blue System Sorry little Sarah

12 mayo 1988

12 Blue System Sorry little Sarah

02 julio 1988

14 Blue System She's a Lady (Entrada)

07 julio 1988

7 C.C. Catch House of mystic Lights (Entrada)

14 julio 1988

9 C.C. Catch House of mystic Lights

21 julio 1988

7 C.C. Catch House of mystic Lights

11 Modern Talking Hits Megamix (Entrada)

28 julio 1988

11 C.C. Catch House of mystic Lights

18 agosto 1988

10 C.C.Catch House of mystic Lights

25 agosto 1988

12 C.C. Catch House of mystic Lights

01 septiembre 1988

13 C.C. Catch House of mystic Lights

08 septiembre 1988

9 C.C. Catch House of mystic Lights

15 septiembre 1988

15 C.C. Catch House of mystic Lights

22 septiembre 1988

13 C.C. Catch House of mystic Lights

29 septiembre 1988

15 C.C. Catch / House of mystic lights

12 Modern talking / Hits megamix

6 octubre 1988

15 C.C. Catch / House of mystic lights

33 Modern talking / Hits megamix

13 octubre 1988

18 C.C. Catch / House of mystic lights

38 Modern talking / Hits megamix

28 noviembre 1988

8 C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac (Entrada)

05 diciembre 1988

7 C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac

12 diciembre 1988

7 C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac

19 diciembre 1988

7 C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac

26 diciembre 1988

6 C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac


02 enero 1989

12. C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac

09 enero 1989

13. C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac

16 enero 1989

7. C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac

23 enero 1989

6. C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac

30 enero 1989

8. C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac

06 febrero 1989

9. C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac

13 febrero 1989

13. C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac

20 febrero 1989

14. C.C. Catch Backseat of your Cadillac
15. C.C. Catch Nothing but a Heartache

27 febrero 1989

14. C.C. Catch Nothing but a Heartache


30 marzo 1998

7 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98 (Entrada)

6 abril 1998

3 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

13 abril 1998

7 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

20 abril 1998

4 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

27 abril 1998

4 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

4 mayo 1998

1 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

11 mayo 1998

1 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

18 mayo 1998

1 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

25 mayo 1998

2 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

1 junio 1998

2 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

8 junio 1998

2 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

15 junio 1998

11 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

22 junio 1998

14 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

29 junio 1998

13 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

6 julio 1998

9 Modern talking You´re my heart you´re my soul 98

3 agosto 1998

9 Modern talking Brother Louie´98 (Entrada)

10 agosto 1998

2 Modern talking Brother Louie´98

17 agosto 1998

2 Modern talking Brother Louie´98

24 agosto 1998

2 Modern talking Brother Louie´98

31 agosto 1998

4 Modern talking Brother Louie´98

7 septiembre 1998

5 Modern talking Brother Louie´98

14 septiembre 1998

3 Modern talking Brother Louie´98

21 septiembre 1998

10 Modern talking Brother Louie´98

28 septiembre 1998

10 Modern talking Brother Louie´98

7 diciembre 1998

8 C.C.Catch Soul survivor´98 (Entrada)


22 febrero 1999

1 Modern talking You are not alone (Entrada)

1 marzo 1999

1 Modern talking You are not alone

8 marzo 1999

5 Modern talking You are not alone

15 marzo 1999

7 Modern talking You are not alone

19 C.C. Catch I can lose my heart tonight´99 (Entrada)

22 marzo 1999

11 Modern talking You are not alone

12 C.C.Catch I can lose my heart tonight´99

29 marzo 1999

10 Modern talking You are not alone

12 C.C.Catch I can lose my heart tonight´99

5 abril 1999

11 Modern talking You are not alone

12 abril 1999

12 Modern talking You are not alone

19 abril 1999

14 Modern talking You are not alone

14 junio 1999

19 Modern talking Sexy sexy lover (Entrada)

5 julio 1999

20 Modern talking Sexy sexy lover


7 febrero 2000

6 Modern talking China in her eyes (Entrada)

14 febrero 2000

9 Modern talking China in her eyes

21 febrero 2000

13 Modern talking China in her eyes

28 febrero 2000

14 Modern talking China in her eyes

6 marzo 2000

18 Modern talking China in her eyes

13 marzo 2000

20 Modern talking China in her eyes


4 marzo 2002

12 Modern talking / Ready for the victory (Entrada)

11 marzo 2002

11 Modern talking / Ready for the victory


23 junio 2003

12 C.C.Catch / Shake your head 2003 (Entrada)


12 abril 2004

16 Thomas Anders / King of love (Entrada)

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